CBD products are quickly growing in popularity. With CBD on the rise, pet owners are wondering if CBD can help their pets. Of course, there is a lot of information found online about CBD oil for pets. It is difficult to know what’s accurate. We know you want the best for your pet, so here it is: What you need to know about Pet CBD.
What is CBD?
CBD is a compound found in the cannabis and hemp plant. Most forms of CBD contain less than .3% THC. THC is the psychoactive compound found in marijuana. The majority of premium CBD products are derived from the hemp plant. There are a few different extraction methods used to remove the CBD from the hemp plant, including CO2 extraction, steam distillation, and solvent extraction. CO2 extraction produces the highest concentration of CBD, resulting in a better quality product for humans and pets.
Pet CBD Research
There isn’t very much research available for the use of CBD products with pets. The majority of pet CBD recommendations are made by veterinarian experience, pet owner experience, and some small studies. However, as the use of pet and human CBD grows, the number and size of studies will improve.
Is CBD Safe for Pets?
CBD pet products are not approved by the FDA. This means these products have not been tested for safety and effectiveness. All concerns about CBD products can be narrowed by third-party testing from an independent lab. Third-party testing ensures and verifies the amount of CBD and other compounds found in the products.
Dosage for Pets
Some small studies have shown that 2mg per kilogram of body weight, two times per day is an adequate dose for pets. As it is the same with humans. you can always start off with a small dose and raise it slowly until you start to notice the desired effects on your pet. The most reliable way to tell if CBD is helping your pet is to watch and observe their actions and behaviors. After you give your pet a dose of CBD, keep a close eye on them to see if you notice their symptoms improving or not. CBD can affect every pet differently, so you may need to adjust dosage over several days to find what works best for your pet.
What Pet Ailments Might CBD help Manage?
CBD has shown amazing benefits for pets, in a wide range of ailments. This includes inflammatory problems, over-anxious pets, joint, and muscle discomforts, and digestive issues. Pet CBD can have a calming effect for over-energetic, over-anxious pets, and pets who have fear of loud noises such as thunder and fireworks. Some small studies have shown pets with arthritic joint pain can benefit from pet CBD as well.