There are numerous CBD products on the market today, from tinctures to capsules, from beverages to edibles. Many of these items contain water-soluble CBD. How is water-soluble CBD different from CBD oil? Is it easier to produce a CBD product with water-soluble ingredients? Does the body absorb water-soluble cannabinoids differently than oils? Let’s learn more!
What is water-soluble CBD?
To make it simple, water-soluble CBD is CBD that can be dispersed in water and other liquids quickly and easily. When extracted from the hemp or cannabis plant, CBD and other cannabinoids are extracted as oils. In oil form, CBD can be challenging to work with in terms of its sensory profile, dosage control, reliability, and the onset and duration of the product’s effects.
To make CBD water-soluble you have to emulsify the cannabinoid. This gives CBD-infused food and beverage producers the ability to create products that taste great, are accurately dosed, and offer predictable, repeatable experiences for the consumer.
How to emulsify CBD oil?
The act of emulsification reduces a cannabinoid’s oils, to very small, protected oil droplets. An emulsifier helps the oil droplets remain dispersed as individual droplets. This is opposed to the CBD oil grouping back together and separating from the water. With this process, the new liquid is a combined oil and water combination. When done correctly, the oil droplets prefer to be uniformly and equally distributed throughout the surrounding liquid. Once an emulsion has been made, analytic equipment is used to test particle size, stability, and homogeneity, This is all the important elements of a high–quality emulsion setup.
If the cannabinoids are left in an oil-based state, manufacturers could not add CBD to any water-based product without clumping and oil pooling. This means the cannabinoids would not be evenly dispersed throughout the product, which is an important factor to consider for a safe, consistent experience.
An easy way to think about how emulsions behave is to imagine dropping food coloring into a glass of water. The color will eventually disperse evenly and completely transform the color of the water.
To understand the benefits of water-soluble CBD, it is important to understand how the body processes oils first. When an oil-based cannabinoid is ingested, its bioavailability is limited because the oil is hydrophobic. This means that it is incompatible with water. The human body is over 60% water, which makes it difficult to absorb and process CBD oil.
Another factor is that metabolism also inhibits bioavailability. Bioavailability is the amount of a substance that makes it into your bloodstream. Water-soluble CBD is the most compatible and easy-to-absorb form of CBD. When CBD oils are ingested orally, the digestive system absorbs them and delivers them to the bloodstream. However, after they have passed thru the digestive system only a limited amount can move into the bloodstream. The end result is that cannabinoids in oil form are not readily absorbed by the body, and the onset can take a few hours.
In contrast, the body is more able to process and absorb water-soluble CBD because the oil, which is embedded in the emulsion, is recognized by the body as hydrophilic, or water-friendly. Emulsion technology breaks the oil down into small particle sizes for even dispersion and stability, which allows for greater absorption in the digestive tract. This means that consumers experience the effects of water-soluble CBD between 10 and 20 minutes after ingestion. and have a more controlled experience.
A small portion of people who use CBD experience no effects. If you are one of them, water-soluble might be the solution for you. With the increased bioavailability of water-soluble CBD, your body will be able to absorb more of the compounds in the product. The more compounds your body can absorb, the higher your chances of experiencing the desired effects.
Finding the right product
NAYSA CBD Water Soluble Nano drops, for example, are amped up with an additional scientific step in their processing. With that amplified process, it moves faster through the body to deliver a more efficient effect.
It is important to note that water-soluble CBD does not imply that the product can dissolve in water. It simply means that the CBD molecules in water-soluble CBD are far more compatible with water than those of CBD oil. That means your body will have an easier time breaking it down and absorbing it into your bloodstream, letting more of the many wonderful health benefits of CBD manifest.
Finding the right product can be tricky. Cannabis is a hyper-accumulator plant. This means the plant absorbs literally everything in the soil it grows in. Much of what it absorbs can be useful and even full of nutrients such as vitamins and minerals. However, depending on the soil and its contaminants, there can be harmful chemicals such as petroleum or lead. Premium CBD products will be sourced on a farm that is FDA-regulated and soil testing is required.
The CBD product itself should be verified by a Third-Party Independent Testing Facility. A CBD company you can trust will make the lab results public. This information might be found on the bottle or box it came in, on an insert, or published on the company’s website.
What can NAYSA CBD Water Soluble Tincture Drops aid?
- Helps relieves discomforts
- Helps improve mood
- Reduces anxious feelings
- Aid in the relief of nausea
- Helps relieve sore muscles and joints
The statements made regarding this product have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The efficacy of this product has not been confirmed by FDA-approved research. This product and blog are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. All information presented here is not meant as a substitute for or an alternative to information from health care practitioners.