
December 26, 2019

The Affects of the FDA on the CBD Industry

The Affects of the FDA on the CBD Industry Recently, the FDA warned 15 businesses for selling a number of products containing cannabidiol illegally. There were a number of different violations for which companies received warnings. This includes adding CBD to animal and human foods, as well as selling CBD products as dietary supplements, and marketing new animal and human […]
December 6, 2019

The Ultimate CBD Guide

Table of Contents The History of Hemp An Introduction to CBD Discovery of the Endocannabinoid System Potential Benefits of Plant-Based Cannabinoids Full-Spectrum Hemp Oil CBD Products: Which Products are Right for You? Links to References The History of Hemp The history of hemp dates back thousands of years when it was pre-adapted to grow in the soil of man’s early […]
November 11, 2019

CBD for your pet. Is it safe?

CBD has become a more and more popular supplement every day for humans. But many pet owners wonder if CBD is equally good for their four legged friends. If you’re curious as to whether you should be giving your pets CBD, you’re not alone. But fortunately, you’re in the right place. In this video, we talk about the ins and […]
November 11, 2019

CBD Testing: Why Third Party Testing is So Important to Us at Nature’s Arc Organics

Experts expect CBD sales to reach at least $1.1 billion this year and reach $10 billion by 2024. As people learn about the benefits of the cannabis plant, more businesses are looking for a way to capitalize. This is great for those of us struggling with chronic pain, anxiety, or other health issues — or is it? While it’s great that CBD […]
November 5, 2019

How CBD Helps Anxiety

How CBD Helps Anxiety.  The long-running joke is that stressed spelled backwards is simply dessert may garner a few laughs, but stress – and it’s twin gifts of anxiety and depression – have a major impact in our world. While there’s no specific definition of stress, the American Institute of Stress breaks the causes of stress down into four catagories: […]
October 11, 2019

Is CBD for Pets Safe?

As CBD oil becomes increasingly popular as a treatment for a plethora of human conditions, it’s no wonder people turn to it as a treatment for their 4 legged friends.  But is CBD for pets safe? In fact, a year ago an article in Veterinarian’s Money Digest listed the use of CBD Pet Treats as one of the three trends […]
October 7, 2019

4 Benefits CBD Has for Your Horses

CBD is a supplement that has strong benefits for people, but it also has some great benefits for horses as well. Here are some examples of how CBD can help with a variety of ailments including skin itching, dry skin, anxiety, exhaustion, troubles with eating food. Pain Relief CBD products, such as topical gels, can make life much easier for […]
September 25, 2019

13 Common CBD Gummy Questions We’re Asked Every Day

How Long Does the Effect of CBD Gummies Last? A third independent party tests the CBD strength of all our gummies. The label on each bottle or package clearly describes the amount of CBD hemp oil in each gummy. Each person has different metabolism rates and levels of sensitivity so your own experience may differ from someone else’s experience. You […]
August 9, 2019

New to CBD? Learn How to Add CBD to Your Diet

CBD, also known as Cannabidiol, is one compound in the cannabis plant. Because our bodies produce some cannabinoid receptors in the brain, incorporating CBD, especially in your diet, can be very beneficial to your health. These receptors are known as CB1 and CB2 receptors. CB1 receptors work throughout the body, helping your brain carry out messages which promote the improvement […]


Nature's Arc Organics