CBD for Horses
Horse enthusiasts everywhere have developed a concern for the comfort of their massive family members. According to many horse owners, horses aren’t just pets, but the breadwinners of the household, and must be cared for as an asset and fiscally capable family member. Like many pets, horses are prone to health problems, and may occasionally need medical treatment for certain ailments, sicknesses, aches or pains. The horse is a large loving animal, but its massive size can sometimes cause complications and discomforts for them which can strain them from optimum performance.
There are numerous techniques and methods for overseeing and managing discomforts horses tend to experience. These techniques vary by the horse, and the drugs that can be used for horses range from anti-inflammatory to non-steroidal (commonly used among racing horses).
The most common horse ailments and injuries are (but not at all limited to) as follows:
- EPM (Equine protozoal Myeloencephalitis): A parasitic disease caused by an infection of protozoa contracted through the feed, water, or open tissue. This disease affects the vision and nervous system in horses.
- Cushing’s Disease (Cushing’s Syndrome): A common disorder among older horses caused by the extreme growth of muscle and other tissues, which causes blockages to the horse’s pituitary gland. It can also be caused by a benign tumor that may be present in the horse's body.
- Equine Herpesvirus: An infections virus that attacks the horse's respiratory and nervous system.
- Lockjaw (Tetanus): Bacterial disease which attacks the horse's central nervous system causing spasms and other serious symptoms.
- Lameness: inability to walk or move with normality due to illness, injury or other underlying issues.
- Swamp Fever (Equine Infectious Anemia - EIA): A deadly viral infection that causes depression in horses.
- Rain Scald (Dermatophilosis): Scabby and crusty bacterial skin infection.
- Strangles: Strangles causes abscesses in the lymph nodes of a horse and results from a highly contagious bacteria which infects the horse's tissues.
- Ringworm: Fungal infection is transferred through being exposed to or touching a contaminated animal.
Traditional Horse Ailment Treatments
Although horses can be exposed to various bacteria, viruses, and ailments due to their outdoor living conditions, there are many preventative methods and treatments developed by veterinarians through the years. Commonly used drugs to combat and treat familiar horse afflictions are narcotics, ketamine, alpha-2, and other mitigating and pain-relieving medications.
We cannot express the importance of managing horse pain and treating developing or current health problems. The benefits that can present themselves throughout you and your horse’s relationship from proper horse health maintenance are innumerable. The most significant advantage of proper horse health care is the money you’ll save on vet bills, by staying on top of your horse's wellbeing. Managing your horse's health is one of the most important jobs you’ll ever have as an equine parent.
There are many methods and techniques used to manage horse ailments, pain, and discomforts. These methods have been developed by experienced veterinarians, although many medications and medication combinations are not allowed to be used in certain circumstances. Veterinarians commonly combine medications to create different effects for treating diverse ailments, sicknesses, diseases, and discomforts. The method of combining medications is successful in limiting the possibility of harmful side-effects.
Drugs are administered to equines by various methods, depending on the horse's capability to take the medication. These methods are:
- IV(Epidural injection): This method is executed by an IV injection placed into the epidural space (the external part of the spine canal).
- IV(Intravenously): The most common method of medicine administering which is done by injection of medication through the vein by a needle.
- IM (Intramuscularly): Medicine administered within or into the muscle.
- SQ/SC(Subcutaneously): Medicine is administered under the skin through a short needle injection.
- PO(Orally): Medication and substances are distributed and administered through the mouth.
- Transdermally: Medicine administered through absorption, undertake skin, or patched on the tissue.
- CRI(Continuous Rate Infusion): CRI Medicine administration methods are controlled doses that are manually dispensed through a needle over some time.
Unconventional Horse Health Management Methods
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are recently developed medical alternatives for the relief of horse discomfort. These tools to battle inflammation and pain are usually herbal or naturally produced. These medication substitutes can be just as good if not better than their steroidal and opioid counterparts.
In any case, NSAIDs can also have harmful side-effects when used incorrectly and when used for extended periods. These side-effects, however, develop over-time and are usually not immediate. They can be as follows: colonic ulceration, kidney damage, ulcers, and gastric discomforts. One of the most common and proven successful nutraceuticals (natural elements that have medical benefits) for horses is CBD.
How Will My Horses Benefit from CBD Oil?
Research regarding the uses and benefits of CBD oil on horses are scarce unless you know where to look. Inquiries about the benefits of CBD oil for equines are growing by the concern horse owners have for the comfort of the large family members. Investigations about the utilization of CBD oil in the treatments of ponies with problems have increased and results show that the benefits of CBD usage for horse ailment treatments are countless.
In any case, we expect there will be far more results as organizations that specialize in CBD oil usage for equines increase in number. So far accumulated evidence has proven that cannabinoids are beneficial in treating many ailments in horses without harsh side-effects, while also having the capability of reducing the stress ailments cause equines.
Although cannabis can cause euphoric side-effects in mammals, CBD does not cause this effect and only provides tolerable and pain-relieving effects. CBD stimulates the horses Endocannabinoid system and improves its functions and ability to fight pain and inflammation. Various companies and organizations are developing and selling CBD oil products; current horse owners have vouched for many of these natural products' effectiveness in treating and remedying common horse health problems. Episodic reactions are profoundly positives, there have to be great benefits for horses derived from hemp-inferred CBD.
Here are a few Studies that have been concluded on the subject of CBD usage on equines:
Is CBD Safe for Horses?
The restorative attributes produced by hemp have been proven through thorough research and demonstrated through the experiences of those who have personally benefited from the use of hemp high in CBD. The results of these instances where horse owners have proclaimed how CBD has served their beloved equine are becoming more prevalent every day. Yet those horse owners who have not experienced the healing qualities of CBD first hand for their ponies have the same question of concern “Is it safe for horses?”
The answer to this question is simple and supported by diverse studies conducted by those with the same question and the means to answer them. Veterinarians, for example, have conducted studies of the effects CBD has on equines for alternative methods for horses with opioId sensitivities. Cannabinoid substances are only possibly dangerous to horses because of the THC chemical in the plant which causes psychoactive side-effects and can stress animals who are not used to highs. Although narcotic medications have harsher effects on equine than THC could produce in small quantities, THC has yet to be studied for use on equine species.
Wild animals including horses have been recognized to consume plant substances that contain natural CBD chemicals. These plants are classified in various plant families but have not yet all been discovered. Mammals naturally acquire CBD chemicals from plants such as flax, echinacea, hops and other natural plant-based materials, even marijuana. Maryjane is a natural friend to wildlife, not just humans, and has not proven to cause any adverse effects on mammals which consume it regularly. The revelation that CBD is apart of the diet and makeup of mammals is more than enough to prove the safety of CBDs usage in horse medical treatment.
How Much CBD Do I Give My Horse?
When dealing with natural remedies and alternative methods for treating the beloved equine species, its best to team up with your veterinarian to ensure your horse's health and safety. Veterinarians have the equipment to monitor changes in a horse's behavior or health and should be consulted and present during the CBD oil administering to your equine. Veterinarians can securely modify the portions and doses in increments that will safely distribute the correct strength of potency needed for your horse. A licensed and certified veterinarian familiar with horses is also capable of determining whether your horse is experiences discomfort or distress from the product of choice.
The commonly recommended times a day for giving a horse CBD is one portion administered in the morning and another in the evening, usually after meals. It's best to distribute the remedy to your equine on a full stomach to ensure its absorption into the endocannabinoid system receptors. If your horse is on other medications, it’s important to be cautious of possible side-effects that may occur from introducing CBD into an already medicated system. It’s important to be vigilant of your horse's reaction to the cannabinoid dosage within the hour of consumption.
The equine's weight should be taken into consideration when deciding the proper dosage to administer for treatment. The correct dosage is dependent on the weight of the horse, although there is no proof that animals or humans are capable of overdosing from high concentrated amounts of CBD.
The regulated and recommended formula to use when measuring the dosage of CBD oil to administer to your equine:
- Stimulating Full-bodied dosage: 0.5 milligrams (1/2 milligram) to every pound mass. This is a strong stimulating dosage that expands the viability of the CBD oil or extract product.
- Routine Regular Strength Dosage: 0.25 milligrams (1/4 milligram) to every pound mass. This dosage is less stimulating and is commonly used for pain relief, or calming the equine.
Why is Nature’s Arc Organic’s CBD Oil for Horses the Right Choice?
When trusting your beloved horse to the hands of any product, including an all-natural product, you want to make sure that it’s safe and effective. Natures Arc Organics products are all FDA registered and produced in GMP certified facilities. Many other products can turn out to be very expensive especially for equine steeds and pedigree breeds. CBD is not an inexpensive item, but Natures Arc Organics offers products that are friendly on your pocket for your giant four-legged family members.
Their products are so trusted, that recently they were featured at the Tulsa State Fair and will continue to be featured there until October 6th, 2019. Their equine package products are being presented to new and professional horse owners, and are growing in popularity in the equine community. Their equine products are completely safe and chemical-free. Their powerful products have no GMOs, are free of THC, no pesticides, no animal testing, and 100% organically grown in the USA.
Product ingredients:
- CBD isolate oil
- Arnica
- Willow Bark
- Frankincense
- Coconut Oil
- Hempseed Oil
- Bentonite Clay
- Calendula
- Natural Apple Flavor
Each of Natures Arc Organics products is created from organically created tinctures. Their products come in many forms, with different ingredients to create various effects on the equine species. They are all-natural and can be administered through various methods. They offer Liquid capsules, ointments, salves, tinctures, lotions, gels, gummies, treats, and droplets.
Their assorted products are perfect not just for equines but for all furry family members. Life enriching CBD with pocket efficient prices, you just can’t beat Natures Arc Organics. They’re great for first time CBD pet treatments, and they’re pet approved by raving customers all over.
Side Effects of CBD Oil for Horses
As mentioned before, the effects of CBD oil on your horse depends on the horse itself. Some horses that may suffer from ailments are used to strong narcotics and can handle some of the gentle side-effects that may occur with the usage of CBD oil. These sometimes common (depending on the product) and harmless side effects are as follows:
- Slight agitation or isolation and restlessness
- Increase in appetite or decrease (depending on the horse's personality)
- A slight decrease in blood pressure (calmness)
- Temporary dry mouth
- Slight temporary gastrointestinal discomfort
These side effects vary and determine not the horse's tolerance for stimulating substances. Restless horses and horses who are feeling cramped from their stalls can be easily calmed with CBD oil. Even though it may seem like a bad thing for your horse to temporarily slow down a bit, you have to think of the well-deserved rest it's probably missed out on due to discomfort. CBD products provide a comforting sensation for equines and relief for their many common discomforts.
Horse Competition Rules and Testing
Although the use of CBD oil to treat and supplement equines is legal in many states and perfectly safe, working, performing, and competing horses are under different rules. The "United States Equestrian Federation(USEF)" is not at all a fan of the usage of CBD for equines, and will violate competing horses for positive blood and urine testing.As of September of 2019, the federation has declared that any horses competing for that test positive for any form of cannabinoid substance are in violation. CBD is included in those chemicals, natural or synthetic, and USEFs equine medication, supplement, and drug rules do not allow the use of CBD or any natural cannabinoids in competing horses.
If your horse is a competitor with the United States Equestrian Federation, it may not experience the many benefits CBD has to offer. Using the cannabinoid will result in a violation of the rules of GR4 of the United States Equestrian Federation. There isn't a way around these rules when competing; but if you're more concerned about your horse's health and comfort than a competition, it's worth disqualification to try CBD oil to relieve your horses of discomfort.
CBD for Horses

What about Competition rules?
If your horse is a competitor for USEF it will be a violation of USEF rules for you equine to be treated with CBD or any cannabinoid for discomfort.
Is CBD for horses legal?
Although CBD usage for animals is now legal for pets, competitive, performing, and professional animals have different laws. CBD is not allowed to be used in most competitions, check your local rules and regulations to see if they apply.
How fast will I see the results?
Results of the effects CBD has on equine vary. It truly depends on the horse and it’s the capability to handle certain stimulants, and the level of discomfort the horse is experiencing.
Why Choose Nature’s Arc Organics?
Natures Arc Organics is already a proven brand in an ever-growing sea of CBD animal products. The company is well trusted and respected among many horse owners, and provides exactly what they promise their equine customers.
Where to Buy CBD Oil for Horses?
CBD oil can be purchased online. For horses and animals, you can find plenty of products in our shop.