An estimated 64 million Americans have tried cannabidiol (CBD) in the past 24 months. In fact, about 40% of people in their 20s have tried CBD. Another 15% of people ages 60 and up have as well.
Whether you purchase CBD oil, gummies, or a tincture, you can experience the pain-relieving, anxiety-easing benefits firsthand. Despite how common the use of CBD has become, many people don’t know much about CBD tinctures.
What exactly is CBD tincture, how is it different from CBD oil, and how can it benefit your life?
Keep reading to find out! In this guide, we’ll review everything you need to know about herbal tinctures. Discover peace of mind before trying CBD for the first time with this helpful guide!
What Are Tinctures?
CBD manufacturers create tinctures by soaking hemp flowers in high-proof grain alcohol. The solution is cooked for hours over low heat. Though some solutions use alcohol, others use glycerin or vinegar.
For a high-potency product, alcohol is best for creating CBD tincture. While the process takes some time, using alcohol ensures the tincture remains pure. Once complete, the liquid solution will contain high cannabidiol content.
After seeping, the liquid is combined with a carrier oil. Many companies choose a sweet carrier to improve the product’s taste. A few examples include cinnamon, orange, coconut, and peppermint.
If you’re purchasing a CBD tincture, it shouldn’t contain more than 0.3% THC. THC is the phytocannabinoid that’s often associated with cannabis. Only products with less than 0.3% THC are legal for purchase.
THC can cause psychoactive effects like hallucinations. CBD, on the other hand, won’t cause psychoactive effects. Instead, many people rely on CBD tinctures for their soothing properties.
Tinctures vs. Oils
What’s the difference between CBD tinctures vs CBD oils?
Tinctures provide all the same benefits you can find in CBD oil products. The purity of a CBD tincture, however, allows it to offer a few extra benefits. It’s the terpenes and carrier oils in the CBD tincture that increase the product’s potency.
Some of these ingredients include:
- Water
- Herbs
- Essential vitamins
- Melatonin
- Essential oils
- Sweeteners
CBD tinctures also have a higher bioavailability, due to the alcohol used during the manufacturing process. The alcohol works as a preservative, which can extend the product’s shelf time. Creating CBD tinctures with water-soluble CBD, on the other hand, increases the absorption rate.
The combination of ingredients in a CBD tincture set it apart from its CBD oil counterpart.
The base sets oils and tinctures apart, too. CBD oil usually uses cannabidiol as the oil carrier. With a tincture, on the other hand, an alcohol base is usually used.
Regardless of the base, both products can offer numerous therapeutic properties.
How to Use a CBD Tincture
The CBD industry could reach $20 billion by 2024. If you decide to buy a CBD tincture, you’ll want to get the most bang for your buck. There are a few different ways you can use CBD.
For example, many people decide to take CBD tinctures orally. Taking the CBD sublingually (under the tongue) will allow it to enter your bloodstream faster, though.
Before taking CBD for the first time, it’s important to note that tinctures are concentrated. You’ll want to take your tincture in small doses. Most products come with an mL dropper that you can use to measure your dose.
When taking CBD for the first time, make sure to start low and go slow. Start with a very small dose. Then, see if you experience any effects.
You should notice effects (such as feeling relaxed or sleepy) within an hour of taking the CBD.
If you don’t notice effects, gradually increase the dose over time. Keep increasing the dose until you feel the effects of the CBD.
Taking too much won’t cause an overdose. Using the start low, go slow method, however, will allow you to find the best dose for your needs.
If you decide to take the tincture sublingually, hold a few drops under your tongue first. This will allow your body to absorb the solution a little faster. Once your sublingual artery absorbs the CBD, it will send it throughout your ECS.
You should feel effects within 15 minutes of taking the CBD sublingually.
Benefits of Using Tinctures
Before we dive into the benefits of using herbal tinctures, it helps to understand how your body reacts to CBD.
Hemp plants contain over 100 different phytocannabinoids. Each phytocannabinoid interacts with your endocannabinoid system (ECS) differently to keep your body in a state of equilibrium.
Your ECS regulates different functions throughout your body, including:
- Appetite
- Motor control
- Muscle formation
- Sleep
- Metabolism
- Chronic pain
- Cardiovascular system function
- Bone remodeling and growth
- Stress
- Reproductive system function
- Liver function
- Learning and memory
- Mood
- Inflammation
- Skin and nerve function
Inflammation is the body’s response to illness or injury. Too much inflammation, however, can have a negative impact on the body. If you experience chronic inflammation, you could develop:
- Psoriasis
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Cardiovascular disease
- Allergies
- Diabetes
- Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
- Arthritis
Your ECS is composed of CB1 and CB2 receptors. CBD can interact with these receptors to block pain signals from traveling throughout your body. As CBD interacts with your ECS, it can help the system maintain a state of equilibrium.
By taking a CBD tincture, you could improve your overall health and reduce your risk of health conditions that are often associated with inflammation.
Health Benefits
One of the main reasons people use CBD is for pain relief. CBD contains anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. These properties can ease arthritis pain, back pain, or pain from a long, intense workout.
You can also take a CBD tincture if you’re struggling with anxiety or depression. CBD can help you relax. It’s even helped people with obsessive-compulsive disorder.
If you’re having a difficult time falling asleep, try a little CBD before bed. In one study, patients experienced an improvement in sleep by 67% and decreased anxiety symptoms by almost 80%.
What Are Tinctures?: Your Guide to Tincturing With Your Health
Thinking about trying tinctures for the first time? Keep this guide in mind during your search. Now you can find the perfect tincture for your health or peace of mind!
Don’t forget to start low and go slow to find the perfect dose.
Ready to start shopping? Explore our store today to find your perfect CBD tincture!